Internal Regulations of the Club of Friends Beauceron

The internal regulations of the club «Friends Beauceron»

This internal rules designed to clarify and supplement the provisions of the statute relating to
means determining the actions of the Association
place regional delegates
The Committee’s General Office
The meeting of the Special Commission institute
It can be changed, amended or revised at the suggestion of the Committee, or 1/4 of the General Meeting after it was approved by the CSO. It, in turn, may ask for changes in accordance with its Rules and Regulations.
This internal regulations and all the internal changes in this edition are put into effect only after approval by a simple majority -General Assembly of the Association.

Chapter I
Means of action
Article 1: Definition
Their role allows the Association to achieve its goal, which is defined in the statute as «improving the breed Shepherd Bos and promote their cultivation in France, development, quality and use.»
Argue with that given in Article 5 of the Statute of the Association can not be considered as finished as this list may be changed, supplemented in its development: the legislation, technicians breeding and propagation techniques or improvement of living standards.

Article 2: Standard and paragraphs inconsistencies.
Judge exhibitions and expert compliance rely on two things in the policy defined by the Kennel Association: First, they believe, to authorize the work of breeders, consent or waiver of a condition determined by the second use of effective directives of the Association for the Advancement of breed Shepherd Bos.
Their choice, their preparation, their competence, their rights and obligations are defined NOC Regulations.
Since they serve, they are based on two main documents: the standard and the list of deviations or discrepancies. The Association sees its role not only in their establishment and spread: he also undertakes to supplement these documents all the comments and explanations, technical documents, and organize theoretical and practical meeting.

Article 3: List of Manufacturers
During the introduction of the book Breed France said that Sheepdog breed Bos is the only relevant SSC.
But what would the Commission on Livestock possessed high knowledge, the Association has to offer: Books Manufacturers Elite Books Manufacturers Working Dogs For manufacturers listed:

Books Manufacturers elite.
The Committee adds in the development of qualitative and quantitative dogs options allow award pattern name or Elite. (AG Extraordinaire 11/06/88).

Books Manufacturers working dogs
It should be the decision of the Committee of the Club adopted after the Commission’s proposals on the use.

Article 4: National and regional exhibitions.
They are an important policy tool selection to the Association.
Their regulations are reviewed annually by the Committee in accordance with Regulation Sobakovodcheskih Exhibitions SSC. Judging will be there to choose from: one judge on the class 2 or 3 judges on the class, they may allow: a test for character control efficiency regulations are established after the annual review by the Committee.

Chapter II
Acceptance, resignation, exclusion, Jurisdiction.
Article 5: Adoption.
All members of the club took him in accordance with the conditions set out in Article 6 of the Charter of unconditional acceptance and on the basis of internal regulations and articles of association.
Join a club can be considered only after the approval of the Committee, the legal capacity of all the members, they are obliged to familiarize with the new member:
with all the precepts of the statute and internal regulations of the Association to inform the member, the member is accepted into the club only after approval by the Committee
immediately transmit the request to the treasurer member accompany post delivery.
He shall submit the agreement to the treasurer of the Committee.

Article 6: Resignation
To be accepted resignation letter should be addressed to the President by registered letter with confirmation receipt (Article 8 of the Charter of the Association) until 31 December.

Article 7: The exception to the club
Issuing a custom notification exception be made for the month: the delay should not exceed one day.

Article 8: Jurisdiction and sanctions
a) The jurisdiction of the Association
On the basis of internal rules SSC, it extends to all demonstrations and gatherings organized by the Association of opportunity. It also applies to members of other clubs fans of the breed. if he attended these meetings or demonstrations or if there is a clear violation of regulations or SSC misbehavior.
b) the nature of the sanctions
On the basis of internal rules SSC sanctions are the following:
I. — First Degree: warning
II. — Second degree: a temporary exemption or a final decision
where appropriate, take SSC, temporary exclusion or ban on all demonstrations organized or patronized SSC with all its consequences.
c) Announcement of sanctions
They are declared by the Committee to the Disciplinary Board and the decision is made on the basis of Article 13 of the Charter of the Association.
d) Grounds for issuance of sanctions
All faults or errors are evaluated by the Committee following their nature and their consequences. They will be subject to sanctions in the report with their characteristic gravity, the Committee on the basis of that decides to apply sanctions in the format specified in paragraph b) of this article.
e) Procedure
No sanctions can not be applied, without notifying interested parties by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, which states:
nature of the action, in which the accused
sanctions that can be applied
the choice between:
• delay in two weeks to appeal to the Association or
• Court — with the obligatory presence of the Council — the Committee. In cases where this choice will be delayed, the President of the Association should be aware of this delay in the two-week period.
(In both cases, the delay in the two-week period is considered from the date of delivery of written notice with confirmation of receipt).
If stakeholders have chosen court, they will be summoned by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt — an average of 15 days — to a meeting of the Committee.
Stakeholders officially recognize the Committee’s decision by registered letter with a delay of two weeks from the date of publication.
On the basis of internal rules CSSD, the offender shall be izveschёn, that he may appeal to the two week period from the date of announcement of sanctions.

Chapter III
Regional Delegates
Article 9: Appointment
To achieve its goal, stated in Article 5 of the Charter, the Association adopted all measures to ensure that decentralization means of action. To do this, he chooses among its members of the regional delegates who will represent the association of a particular geographical area, and all possible measures to bring the Regional Sobakovodcheskoe Society in SSC.
Revered, competence and performance, serve as criteria for the appointment of a regional delegate.

Article 10: Competence and role
Representing the Association Delegate must — in the area, which he entrusted — to educate and guide the administrative and technical lovers of the breed. He has the right to organize and carry out demonstrations or program meeting of the Association in the geographical area and encourage breeders and owners of dogs of this breed to participate in them. It promotes the breed and looking for ways to connect new associations.

Chapter IV
Article 11: Free posts
Committee members shall not receive any salary for their position (Article 10 of the last row of the Charter of the Association). Only possible payment of costs associated with the post.
Members receive personal salary, may be caused only by the President with an advisory vote on the committee meeting.

Article 12: Co-optation
To be legitimate, a proposal for co-option should always be placed on the agenda of the Committee, where it will be decided.

Article 13: Calling the candidates
For two months at least before the general meeting during which elections will be held under the Charter partial renewal committee (Article 10 of the Charter of the Association) president must;
inform members about the number of posts
determine the admissibility of the term candidates (for the month prior to the General Meeting)
The Committee shall choose from among its members to the Commission on Elections, consisting of 3 members not reelected.
The commission shall determine the admissibility of candidates is a list of candidates (including re-elected and new) and sets newsletters milking vote.

Article 14: Election
a) Voting Materials
Ballots and envelopes addressed to the secretary to each member on the day of pledging and the convening of the General Assembly and the fifteen days prior to the voting at the latest, when you can get a permit to vote by mail.
Voting letter should be sent by mail in an envelope addressed according to the regulations and the association that it was received on time at the latest, when it is possible to send it 3 days before the general meeting. Delivery envelope must necessarily have the output name, surname, address, voice, and at the end of the mark on the payment of the polling list and keep the envelope with the ballot papers and free of distinguishing marks.
b) The Constitution and the role of the Bureau in the voting
Treasurer announces the list of members before each General Meeting in accordance with Article 16 paragraph 2 of the Charter.
He is at the beginning of the General Meeting sets the table for anyone who reads the voice (at least 2) appointed by the General Meeting. Treasurer is not a candidate in the elections, he responsible person of the Committee.
He next check mark on the payment received for opening envelopes and ballots.
c) Voting on the site
Members present at the General Assembly shall not vote by mail, after the treasurer at the polling sheet makes a note on the payment, they vote on the spot before the General Meeting. For this purpose there are special ballot box.
d) Net newsletters, bulletins, which are in the urn without envelopes, newsletters obscure notation with the names of other candidates without envelopes newsletters
Oral report on the election signed by the president of the Bureau of Elections and counters,
e) Results of the candidate receiving the most votes is declared the winner of elections and to hold office at which to choose. With an equal number of votes is selected older candidate.
Election results are published immediately after the counting of votes, Rejection of invalid ballots mark all present,
f) Calculation and Complaints All complaints and appeals should be formulated after the final counting of votes, and be present in the oral report on the election.
All they need to be addressed in accordance with the internal regulations of the NOC. The final report and all applications must also be sent to the CSSD.

Article 15: The Bureau
According to Article 12 of the Charter of the Association stipulates that spouses can not work together in the office.
For a better understanding of the article should indicate that the word «spouse» refers to people who live a married life.

Article 16:
Oral reports of the Committee taken by absolute majority of the Committee at the next meeting.

Chapter V
General meeting
Article 17: Convening
How is the convening of the General Assembly of the ordinary or Extraordinary General Meeting — stated in Article 17 of the Charter of the Association — the average for the month prior to the award of the ballots or letter containing the order of the meeting. They are awarded to members of the Association who have passed their contributions made to the lists and the average for 6 months (Article 16, paragraph 2, of the Charter of the Association) including members who have the right to participate in decision making.

Article 18: Personal Association award
Members who receive personal salary may appeal to the President to attend the general meeting, but only in an advisory capacity.

Article 19: Decisions of the General Assembly
They must be published bulletins of the Association or be sent by mail to association members.

Chapter VI
Article 20: Role
Special Committees provided for in Chapter VII, Article 24, paragraph 5, of the Charter of the Association with a view to attract competent people to prepare the Committee’s work.

Article 21: Competence
The competence of each committee clearly determined by the Committee of the Association, which provides complete freedom of action to provide for the action:
Commission Management (finance, elections, ballots, adoption, etc …)
Technical Commission (breeding, specialization, work tests)
Legal Commission is dealing with the legal and judicial affairs.

Article 22: Composition
Commission composed of members of the Association Committee and the permanent members of the club who are most competent in a particular area. The President is required to be appointed to the Committee. The Secretary shall be elected by the Commission.
Judicial Commission consists of three members of the Committee of the Association, selected on the basis of their legal literacy, honesty, good reputation and capabilities.

Article 23: Mandates commissioners
Mandate expires at each update of the Committee.

Article 24: Rights and Opportunities
Commission dealing with issues assigned to them by the Committee of the Association, they can only offer a solution, but the right of adoption belongs only to the Association Committee.

Article 25:
This regulation was modified and adopted by the General Meeting of 16 February 1985. These regulations are approved for use general meeting.

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