The Charter Club of Friends Beauceron in Russian

Beauceron Club of Friends
Founded in 1922
Member of the Central Society sobakovodcheskogo
Approved by the Minister of Agriculture
Address: 29th Street Pier Klua 77690 Montigny-on-Loing

Chapter I
Device. Name. Objectives. Location. Duration
Article 1: The device
It was arranged between amateurs Beauceron. Association declared that will be controlled by the law of July 1, 1901 and the present charter.

Article 2: Name
She adopted the name Friends Club Beauceron. The club was admitted to the Central Sobakovodcheskogo Society and recognized socially useful; name was approved by the Minister of Agriculture of 23 February 1972. technical rules to distinguish the quality of the animals in the genealogical book of dog breeds and ensure the development of the breed Beauceron in agreement with the Central Sobakovodcheskim Company.

Article 3: Address
Address registered in Montigny-on-Loing (77690) — 29 st Pierre Club. The address can be changed to another in any part of France by the decision of the Committee.

Article 4: Duration
The duration of the Association is unlimited.

Article 5: The goals and means of action
Beauceron Club of Friends as targets considering improving the breed and promote the breeding of dogs, promote improvement of living standards, the development of the use of dogs in my life.
It operates under the statutes, regulations and directives of the Central Sobakovodcheskogo society that respects and applies.
To achieve its objectives mentioned above and unbounded, the club uses the following means of action:
a) approve, distribute and publish the official breed standards, after recognition by the Central Sobakovodcheskim Company (NOC). And to make changes to these standards after approval zootechnical Commission SSC.
b) approve and distribute all the comments on the standards for judges and experts in structure.
c) Have the catalog:
recommended by manufacturer able to work (for rocks undergoing tests work)
d) Approve and submit to the Commission zootechnical CSSD list of items not confirm the breed.
e) Establish tests having a goal to promote the improvement of the breed.
f) To form teams breed judges have the knowledge and competencies that would be able to judge at shows, using approved procedures SSC judges.
g) Each year, appoint experts on the species under Regulation SSC experts
h) approve the annual program and conduct examinations la judges and experts in accordance with the regulations of the NOC
i) To organize special exhibitions as separate breeds and within sobakovodcheskih exhibitions all breeds. Patronize and spend every year several exhibitions sobakovodcheskih all French breeds in judging selected by the Committee.
j) organize themselves or together with SSC or with Regional Sobakovodcheskimi Society (DLS) competition use.
k) Support the participation of its members in exhibitions and competitions. Establish special prizes assigned to the organized activities according to regulations SSC.
1) organize competitions for the selection of producers and breeders with possible regional exhibitions and national dog-breeding.
m) take on the role of the Board for a list of books Breed France.
n) Check the feed, which may seem suspicious.
a) Encourage the relationship between the members of the club, to help them and guide in breeding dogs.
p) publish, if finances allow the Association, a periodical devoted to the breed and breeders and dog owners allowing replenish their knowledge about the breed.
q) sent free of charge periodical club breed judges.
g) Use all means of propaganda to promote the breed.

Chapter II
Members of the Association
Article 6: Adoption
The Association consists of:
— Action members
— Charitable members
— Honorary Member
To be a full member, you must be of legal age, consist in society and be consonant with the Association Committee, which if necessary, make a secret ballot, without giving reasons for its decision.
To be a member of the charity, you must pay a fixed fee, a minimum fee double full member.
Honorary member of the Committee may be assigned to any person working in the association. The honorable member has a deliberative vote, but can not vote and be elected.

Article 7: Contributions
The amount of contributions are determined annually by the Committee for the real and charitable members. Information about the amount to be spread among the permanent members until October 1.
Fee must be paid during the first trimester of each year. Before October 1, contributions are collected then determined by their size in the following year. Honorary members do not pay dues.

Article 8: The resignation, exclusion and death
Members of the public may resign its Addressing the President in writing, with a receipt. They lose their membership in the Association, but must pay their dues for the current year and in certain cases in the past few years.
Defaulters fee one month after notification of the receipt for the withdrawal from the membership lists.
The Committee has the right to make a decision on exclusion from the society of those who do not comply with this statute or harm in word or deed of the Association or those who do not follow the rules of polite communication between members, those who do not follow the recommendations of the Commission and continues Kennel actions damaging the hearth and its development.
The Committee must pre require explanation and to respect certain procedures of internal regulations of the Association.
Committee’s decision may be appealed in accordance with the NOC Regulations.
Upon the death of a member of the heirs are entitled to membership in the association.
All members of the retired or the excluded and the heirs, and all eligible members are required to pay contributions or contributions in the last of the year in which they had resigned or died were excluded.

Article 9: Regional Commissioners
Beauceron Club of Friends may be directed to the position of regional commissioners chosen from the members who will represent the club in a certain geographic region.

Article 10: The Management Committee
Association Management Committee consisting of a minimum of 15 and maximum of 19 members elected at the general meeting in secret.
simple majority in a secret ballot. Before the vote are announced candidates put forward according to the internal regulations of the association.
The term of 6 years is limited to the administration, twice a year is going to the general meeting.
The Committee is renewed every three years and a half.
Gone members may be re-elected.
Mandates will be renewed in alphabetical order the names of members of the Committee during the main collections of the Association. They will be stored in the same manner without regard to the distribution of names in the state.
To be elected to the committee must be a Frenchman, an adult, have full civil rights, and to be a member of the Association not less than 3 years. Can not be elected:
persons usually buy dogs for resale to persons taking care of the dogs or dog training for the money. Current Members gratuitous and can only be paid for or reimbursed by the Association.

Article 11: Right of the Committee for replenishment.
If the mandate of a committee member becomes free between two Annual General Meetings, the Committee may take action on the replacement. If this is not done by the committee’s decisions are nevertheless legitimate. If he starts to co-optation, it must be ratified by the General Assembly. Manager appointed by replacing be in office until the expiration of the mandate of his predecessor.
Cooptation occurs, according to procedures written in the Rules of the Association.
For the lack of ratification of co-optation, all decisions and acts of the committee are legitimate.
In the absence of a control without a valid reason for more than 3 committee meetings, he is obliged to give explanations to the Committee may be dismissed after a letter of recommendation to the President of the Committee and then the final decision adopted by the General Assembly.

Article 12: The Office of the Committee.
According to the charter, the Committee re-election at each chooses from among its members the President, two Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer last two positions may be combined in one person or be distributed among the vice-presidents.
The eldest of the Committee shall preside over the election of the President.
Spouses or family members in a straight line does not have the right to be together in the office
The President can combine their office with only two other presidential mandate (territorial association, the association of the breed).

Article 13: Assembly and committee meetings.
The Committee intends to address the president, as well as the interests of the Association so require at least twice a year, or at the request of members of the decree with the proposal for the current day.
No one may vote by proxy. Absence of control can only give a written opinion on current issues. The President may allow absent members to vote by post current issues. Notification must be sent to the appointed day.
A minimum of 7 members for voting and decision-making. All decisions are taken by an absolute majority in the vote, the President is the decisive vote in case of a tie vote. Decisions taken by the Committee may be published and disclosed only after their approval and adoption by the Committee.

Article 14: The Power of the Committee
The Committee is endowed with the authority to act on behalf of the Association and carry out acts and operations with the permission of the Association who are not detained by the General Meeting
He watches the Bureau members and always have the right to return to refine their acts.
It may prohibit the President or the Treasurer to perform the acts that fall within their responsibilities, but only in cases when it is necessary.
He may, at the absolute most, in case of serious errors to suspend the activities of the Bureau, and wait for the decision of the General Assembly. that must be collected in a given month.
He expresses his opinion on all requests for acceptance into the club to make a request to the NOC to the exclusion of a member of society, so that is indicated in Articles 6 and 8.
He is the first instance in disciplinary decisions in violation of the statutes and regulations, or in violation of the members in participating in the demonstrations organized by the association. These violations strike at the loss of rights for the delay, if they do not object to the application the following year of their implementation.
It authorizes the President and Treasurer to make all purchases, payments or lease if it is necessary for the Association.

Article 15: Competence.
The President is the only person responsible CSO. He is obliged to comply with the decisions of the Committee and to provide positive activities of the Association, which he represented in court and in all documents in civil life.
In case of death, resignation or absence of a long time, two vice-presidents during the month shall convene an extraordinary meeting of the committee and the election of the president.
The Secretary shall perform all the administrative work for the functioning of the association.
Treasurer deals with all matters relating to the property of the association. He performs all cash transactions and be under the control of the president. He can not use a valuable reserve funds without the sanction of the Committee. He conducts regular accounting report of all transactions and shall make a report on all issues at the annual general meeting.
As members of the Bureau have documents belonging to the association. will have to return them in the event of his departure from their posts.

Chapter IV
General meeting
Article 16: Structure and Composition.
Members of the public gather at the general meeting, which is defined as extraordinary, if there is a change to the statute or as usual in other cases.
The General Meeting is composed of members and benefactors of the Association, they must make their contributions and be included in the lists of the average for the 6 months prior to the General Meeting.
The General Assembly usually collected once a year prior to July 1, chaired by the president.
In addition, the General Meeting shall normally be convened in extraordinary Committee, at the request of at least a quarter of the members of the Association and is a prevalent issue in the agenda.

Article 17: The convening, agenda, vote.
The meeting request is sent on average per month through newsletters or through a letter containing the agenda of the meeting.
Each member has the right to vote.
Voting by proxy is not valid.
Voting by mail is allowed only during elections. Each member should take steps to implement the right to vote without direct mail.

Article 18: The Office of the General Meeting.
The General Meeting is chaired by the President or his absence the Vice-President or a member of the Committee, Nominating Committee.
When the function executes Secretary Secretary of the Committee and in his absence a member of the General Assembly extended this.
He makes a list of those present before the meeting, signed by the members of the Association who endorse the President and the Secretary.

Article 19: The general meeting of the ordinary.
Ordinary general meeting shall hear the report of the Committee on the situation, the affairs of the Association and funding. It approves or rejects the closed account, vote for the next budget, administrative ratify the appointment and discuss current issues on the agenda.
Decisions are taken by simple majority of votes of the present members.

Article 20: Extraordinary General Meeting.
An extraordinary general meeting may amend the charter of all the provisions of the decision after SSC, which may ask to change the statutes of the Association in case of change in its charter or internal regulations. Extraordinary meeting resolves all urgent matters. As well, it has the right to decide on the dissolution of the Association.
To be held at the EGM must attend at least% of the association members.
If this condition is not met, the Assembly re going in the conditions provided for in Article of the General Meeting of the ordinary. Their decision as legitimate, as well as in the presence of all members.
Decisions at the Extraordinary General Meeting are taken by a majority of two-thirds vote of those present.
Dissolution of the Assembly may be proclaimed only the extraordinary general meeting.

Article 21: The process of discussion
Decisions of the General Meeting of the Association after the vote specifically recorded and signed by the President and by the Secretary. They then published in the Gazette of the Association.
Copies and excerpts of these discussions shall be recorded and signed by the President in the same or two members of the committee of management.

Chapter V
Resources Association
Article 22:
Annual resources of the association shall consist of: the right of entry and the various contributions of members of the association magazines, valuables and securities, which it has in the case of need, subsidies that are provided.

Chapter VI
Dissolution and Liquidation
Article 23:
In the case of voluntary dissolution under the statute or the request of the Association, an Extraordinary General Meeting shall appoint one or more liquidators, who receive the power to realize the assets and pay the liabilities.
Elimination of surplus product will be given the association of this kind, which will be called an extraordinary general meeting.

Chapter VII
General provisions
Article 24:
All political and religious issues, as well as the occasional jokes banned at meetings of the Association and the Committee.
Association prohibits the buying or selling of dogs for his own account or to act — on the occasion of the same — to serve as a mediator between the breeder and buyer.
Only the association can communicate about supply and demand, which are addressed to her.
The Committee should develop internal regulations, the relevant decisions of the statute.
Special Committees may take place according to the internal regulations of the committee of the association.
All cases are not listed in this statute will be determined by the Committee in the future according to the spirit and traditions of the Central Sobakovodcheskogo Company, which shall be informed of all decisions and that can mind if it does not agree with the present regulations.

Chapter VIII
Article 25: Declaration and publication
The Committee takes the formal declaration and publication prescribed by law. All controls are created to achieve the objective set out in this charter.

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