Diseases of dogs

Dog unlike man can not say that it bothers so that the dog’s health depends on how much the owner is attentive to his four-legged friend. Any unwell they should be seen. Healthy Dog — Funny cheerful animal with shiny hair, good appetite, bright eyes and a cool wet nose. She willingly walks briskly and reacts to the world around us.
Dogs get sick at home no less frequently than men; but in general they can be said that this is healthy and strong animals and with proper maintenance and feeding live to old age. The most important condition for maintaining health is the prevention of various infectious and non-communicable diseases.
Affected dogs have no appetite, dull hair, drooping state oppressed. From the eyes and nose appear pus, disrupted stomach. Dogs are a lot of lies, does not respond to the call.
The greatest danger to the health of the dogs are sudden illness and injury. Sudden illness occur unexpectedly, at any time of the year, at any age, regardless of breed, and gender. This intestinal obstruction, injury, trauma, acute infectious diseases. It provided for a sudden include some complications that arise in dogs at different time intervals after suffering infectious diseases (eg, epileptic seizures after the plague).
Sudden injury most often the consequence of breaking the rules of detention, walking and tempering lessons.
The most dangerous and widespread infectious diseases of dogs considered parvovirus enteritis, coronavirus enteritis, viral hepatitis, plague, rabies, piroplasmosis, leptospirosis.
Diagnosis of diseases can be divided into three types: observation (perhaps most importantly), the simple techniques — measurement of temperature, pulse, palpation, observation of the behavior of the sick animal disease symptoms.
The second type — a laboratory method, which gives an objective analysis of the state of the sick animal, along with instrumental methods and create the necessary base for the further treatment of the animal. Performed: blood chemistry, clinical study of blood under a microscope, immunological and bacteriological analysis.
The third type of diagnosis, which has already been mentioned — the instrumental method that includes all the recent conquest of Engineering and medical thought. This radiography, fluoroscopy, tomography, electrocardiography, echocardiography, ultrasound diagnosis, Doppler, gastroscopy, colonoscopy, bronchoscopy and laparoscopy.
Certainly, if you have doubts about the illness dogs can resort to the entire arsenal of modern veterinary medicine. And then laboratory studies with instrumental examination in combination with observations of clinical symptoms will help to diagnose and, consequently, appropriate treatment. But in many cases, for a correct diagnosis is possible to properly assess the condition of the animal on the ancient, proven over centuries symptoms of a sick animal.

Veterinary medicine chest.
Collecting a first aid kit for your pet, the owner must provide in its two variants: for everyday use and self-NC; all drugs, it is desirable to use on prescription. Remember! Any medication can cause harm to an animal in violation of dosing and at the wrong prescription drugs is therefore desirable to consultation with a professional. The tools and medicines home remedies include:
Tools — scissors, syringes (2-, 5-, 20-gram), two or three mercury thermometer (thermometer), the pipette syringe, a rubber tube with a funnel (for lavage and as a harness);
dressing — two sterile bandage (wide and narrow), a bag of cotton wool;
adsorbent — activated carbon — carbol;
analgesics — analginum;
antihistamines (allergy) — diphenhydramine, suprastin, tavegil;
Corticosteroid hormones — prednisone, dexamethasone;
variators exchange — methionine pirodoksalfosfat, calcium gluconate, phytin;
vitamins — B12, C, — in ampoules aminovit;
against disruption of homeostasis — tsitroglyukosolan, rehydron;
diuretics — furosemide lasix;
Reinforcement — oak bark;
Ointment — Traumeel, tetracycline, eritromitsinovaya, ihtiolovaya, sintomitsinovaja;
antiparasitic — pyrethroid insecticides (butoxy, ektomin) antiiksektitsidnye collars;
anticonvulsants -finlipsin, Belladonna;
hypnotics — relanium;
antiemetic — Raglan (Reglan), Nux vomica;
heart — Corvalol, tincture of valerian, kordiamin, Cactus compositum, Ignacia;
laxatives — castor oil, liquid petrolatum, phenolphthalein (contraindicated in nephritis), magnesium sulfate;
immunostimulants — tincture of ginseng or Rhodiola rosea («golden root») fosprenil, Engistol, cat’s claw, splat, klamin T-activin;
spazmalitiki — Nospanum, papaverine;
external antiseptics — 3% hydrogen peroxide solution or tablets gidropirita, manganese-acidic potassium, alcoholic solution of brilliant green, iodine.
biologics — immunoglobulins, serum (against plague parvovirozov, adenoviroza);
Antibiotics — bitsillin, gentatsitsin, klamoksil linkospektil, tetracycline, chloramphenicol;
sulfonamides — Biseptol, streptomycin, streptocide sulfodimezin;
protivirusnye drugs — kinoron, Engistol, interferon, IFN, Zovirax;
anthelmintics — Drontal + cat + Drontal for dogs, rehabilitation center, piavetrin, piperazine.
Acquisition of all the above medicines in veterinary pharmacies will guarantee the quality of storage of medicines, their certification and address of the manufacturer (by the way: the manufacturer is extremely important, some drugs in the performance of individual companies can bring only harm, consult with your veterinarian about this). Biologics are effective usually 2-3 days from the date of the disease, and later may cause a deterioration and accelerate the death of the animals. These medicines will suit the dog and the cat, the only difference is in the dosage.

Rabies or hydrophobia, mainly affects dogs. Pathogen it — a virus that is transmitted with the saliva of a sick dog when it bites a healthy. The virus infects nerve cells and penetrates into the brain.
From the moment of infection to onset of symptoms takes place from 2 weeks to 3 months. The dog becomes restless, changes its character at 180 °. Sometimes changing voice and barking becomes gloomy, whine. Nervousness, rage, various types of paralysis — evidence of lesions of various parts of the nervous system and brain.
There are two forms of rabies — a quiet and lush. With a quiet form of paralysis of the lower jaw, and then the dog can not close the mouth. When the dog becomes violent form of evil, far from home runs, snarls and bites. The bite is dangerous in the event that the dog is sick, but a dog that bites, must be isolated for 2 weeks to confidently rule out rabies.
Rabies in dogs can be prevented by prophylactic vaccination veterinarian.
At the slightest suspicion of rabies should contact the nearest veterinary station and a medical facility. Serum Pasteur provides a full guarantee that you will not get sick.

The Plague Dogs — viral disease infectious to dogs, but not transferred to other pets and humans. Infection occurs through the mouth, nose and ears. Carriers of the virus may be insects and worms. The disease is transmitted at any time of the year; from infection to onset of symptoms is 5 days, sometimes 4 to 10 days. The dog, who has survived the plague, as a rule, it does not suffer more. Distemper occurs suddenly and affects mainly puppies from 2 months to 1 year. It occurs all breeds, although purebred dogs are susceptible to it more than the tykes (but statistics on this matter was not conducted).
Plague causes inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, intestines; sometimes appear on the skin pustules. At an early stage the dog looks tired, her eyes water, flowing from the nose. A week later — abundant runny nose, dry cough, increased thirst, body temperature rises to 39-40 ° C. The disease is usually accompanied by diarrhea. Just as influenza, plague causes pneumonia, inflammatory bowel disease (enteritis), brain inflammation (encephalitis). Dogs with a history of plague, may remain partially or totally disabled, lose their hearing, sight, smell, suffer a nervous muscular twitching; there are cases of mental insanity.
Dogs, plague victims, should be kept in a clean, dry, ventilated place to feed milk, eggs, raw meat and broth.
Protection against plague gives vaccinations that should make a specialist vet. Before vaccination the dog should be freed from worms, parasites, that is, to be perfectly healthy.

Parvovirus enteritis — a viral disease of dogs, manifested by vomiting, diarrhea, cardiac involvement. This disease susceptible dogs of all ages, but most puppies from two weeks to two months of age, and dogs up to 3 years. The main source of infection are patients infected with the dog and care items. The latent period of illness lasts 4 to 10 days. Distinguish intestinal and heart shapes.
When the intestinal form of enteritis observed rejection of the water, which is a characteristic symptom of this disease, refusal of food, vomiting with mucus, diarrhea (often bloody). Sometimes it affects the respiratory system, the temperature rises. The animal thus strongly thin. Puppies 24-96 hours after the onset of clinical signs of the disease die.
With heart shaped enteritis also affected the gastrointestinal tract, then quickly develops weakness, shortness of breath, pulmonary edema occurs, accompanied by acute heart failure.
Treatment is carried out on the instructions of the doctor. To avoid dehydration used intravenous (parenteral nutrition) large volumes of fluids from clinical symptoms: saline, 5% glucose, dextran preparations: reopoliglyukina, polyglucin. Primenenyat in the early stages of the disease biologics, such as immunoglobulins. To cut off the secondary complications of bacterial microflora used antibiotics. Immunostimulants, vitamins, cardiovascular drugs (kordiamin, nitroglycerin, sulfokamfokain, caffeine), antispasmodics — Nospanum, papaverine. Homeopathic therapy: Engistol, echinacea, Nux vomica, Helidonium, Berberis, kverkus, Traumeel. Herbal Medicine (Pharmacognosy) — St. John’s wort, nettle, yarrow, calendula.
To avoid infection, enteritis need time to vaccinate your dog. Immediately after recovery is not recommended to feed the dog meat and gradually under the control of a specialist to apply the growing diet.

Ringworm — a contagious skin disease that some pets pass each other, as well as to man, and vice versa. The causative agent — or trihofiton mikrosporiya.
In dogs, ringworm begins with the appearance of spots (round or oval) coated gray or yellowish-brown crust. Wool from these areas falls. Spots appear most often on the face, on the head or on the feet. Bald patches with the development of the disease is increasing. When the dog is brushing them, instead of a crust formed a bleeding wound. Sometimes, however, the case does without itching. The disease can be cured vaccine Vakderm, polivakom, trimivakom and several other drugs.

Infectious hepatitis — inflammation of the liver caused by a virus. It affects dogs of all ages, but most — young. Infection occurs by ingestion. The first symptom — loss of interest in things, the emergence of thirst, lack of appetite. Sometimes swollen head and neck, increasing glands begin to tear his eyes and fester. May start vomiting and diarrhea at elevated temperature (up to 40,3 ° C). The disease progresses over 2-4 days. About 10% of the animals die.
To prevent hepatitis serum exists, valid for 3 weeks. Used as a method of «intradermal» injection using vaccine gives a gradual immunity against HCV.

Helminths — worms, dangerous internal parasites in the body of a dog. Most often it is flat and round worms.
Large roundworm or roundworm, reach a length of 12 to 20 centimeters. The dog can pick up tapeworm eggs with dirty piece of meat, bones. A puppy can get them together with their mother’s milk, if they hit the nipples. Larvae of one species to penetrate through the walls of the intestines into the bloodstream and reach with her first in the liver and then into the lungs, causing coughing animal; larvae of other species are absorbed in the gut wall and grow to adulthood, and then remains permanently live in the intestines, if not kill any anthelmintic.
In order to prevent worms need to give the dog food and water only in a clean container. Bitches before mating is necessary to bring the worms. Puppies kept away from the site of infection.
Live worms can not be expelled from the body of dogs and puppies with laxatives (it only removes the dead worms). Live roundworm usually are folded ringlet, dead same lie straight. Puppies supposed to rid of the worms only after they move to independent feeding. Best anthelmintic for puppies — Drontal +. It is used strictly by the rules. The same medicine can be used for the treatment of adult dogs. However, nowadays there are many new effective drugs that can recommend a vet.
Tapeworms are of several kinds. At length is 6 millimeters to 5 meters. Most common in dogs — 30 centimeters long, they spend most of his life in the body of fleas or lice.
Even with strong infection overt symptoms are observed. But there are times when there is vomiting, gastrointestinal disorders and general anxiety. To prevent infection of tapeworm sure that the dog did not have fleas and lice, and not to give raw rabbit meat and fish. Doctors recommend arecoline hydrobromide.

Clamp scabies.
Red mange — the most common skin disease of dogs. It is the causative agent of vermiform mite that lives in the hair bags and some skin glands. Most of this type of disease susceptible young short-haired dog.
The first symptoms of the disease — the emergence prolysin with a reddish tint around the eyes, on the elbows. Itching is usually negligible. Over time, the bald areas increase in size and coalesce into large patches. The skin swells and bursts formed fetid ulcers. The disease progresses slowly, inhaling sometimes for two years or more.
Treat disease routnounom or refined gasoline-geksohloridom known as lindeyn.
Ear itch — (otodektoz), caused by ticks, which can be seen with the naked eye. Mites live deep in the channel leading from the outer ear to the eardrum. The ear canal is clogged by earwax and mites that causes severe itching in dogs; she furiously scratching his ear and shakes his head, sometimes keeps his head bent to one side. In complicated forms of otodektoza pinna oozing pus. It should be very carefully remove from the ears accumulated there sulfur together with pliers. Then the ear is treated Antiscabietic (phenothiazine, diskreziya, hexamine, ektomin) oil solutions which are used according to the annotation.
Disease prevention is a pet clean, avoid contact with stray dogs and cats.

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